Saturday, July 3, 2010

Natural Ovarian Cysts Remedies to Relieve Your Ovarian Cysts

By: Serena Loo

If you have ovarian cyst, you might already be taking oral contraceptive prescribed by your doctor to control your ovarian cyst. Or, your doctor just advises to wait and see if your cyst will shrink by itself. But there are also many natural ovarian cysts remedies that you can try at home, instead of just waiting without knowing whether the cyst will grow and complicate your condition.

Natural remedies for ovarian cysts largely rely on nutritional supplements and vitamins as well as lifestyle and diet modifications to help reduce the severity of your condition. Besides curing the cyst, natural remedies are also extremely useful in preventing formation of new cysts in the future.

Natural ovarian cysts remedies aim at targeting the root causes of why cyst is formed in the first place, and also supporting the body with strength and resource to resolve the problem by itself, naturally. Below are some recommended remedies and tips.

1. Cut down on processed and refined foods

Eat more fresh and unprocessed foods to obtain their natural healthful benefits, and to help normalize hormone balance in the body, as formation of ovarian cyst has very much to do with hormones. Processed and ‘refined' foods such as white bread and confectioneries (refined carbs) cause blood sugar levels to spike very fast in the body. This can lead to excessive amount of insulin being produced in the body. Excessive insulin can cause hormonal imbalance in women, leading to problems in the menstrual process, including the formation of cyst.

2. Consume more fruits and vegetables

Fresh, raw fruits and vegetables can be very helpful natural ovarian cyst remedies because they contain high amounts of vitamins and anti-oxidants to assist in many body functions. Anti-oxidants are known to neutralize the damaging effects of free radicals, while many vitamins, especially vitamin C, are important for a fully functioning immune system to help destruct abnormal cells that cause cysts. Your vegetables and fruits should preferably come from organic farms.

3. Take vitamins and supplements

The B Vitamins are important to support reproductive health, such as in the regulation of estrogen production. You can actually obtain B vitamins from common foods, such as whole grains and soy beans. If you're not able to obtain particular nutrients from your daily diet, you could always take nutritional supplements.

4. Manage stress

If you didn't know, stress can is also a factor that can lead to cyst. When you're constantly under stress, your body will produce extra hormones to help you deal with the stress. That's why stress can often lead to hormonal imbalance, which in turn triggers cyst to form. So, learn to de-stress (e.g. exercise, meditation, yoga) in order to reinstate a balanced hormone state and a healthy menstrual cycle, which will be helpful in shrinking ovarian cysts.

5. Herbal treatment

Herbs can be very effective ovarian cyst remedies in some women. Several herbs are known to regulate hormone levels and very effective against the cysts, such as black cohosh, chasteberry, and red clover.

Learn more about natural ovarian cyst relief to help you stop ovarian cyst pain and shrink the cyst. Check out this Natural Ovarian Cyst Relief Secrets review and find how you can access a step-by-step system to cure ovarian cysts.

About the Author

Serena is a freelance health writer, who has written for major pharmaceutical and international medical communications companies.

(ArticlesBase SC #2769634)

Article Source: - Natural Ovarian Cysts Remedies to Relieve Your Ovarian Cysts

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Cardiovascular risk in women with polycystic ovary syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a heterogeneous disease affecting about 5-10% of reproductive-age female population, which is predominantly characterized by chronic anovulation, hyperandrogenism and insulin resistance.

PCOS women represent an intriguing biological model illustrating the relationship between hormonal pattern and cardiovascular risk profile, presenting a cluster of cardiovascular features, such as obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension, impaired cardiopulmonary functional capacity, autonomic dysfunction and low-grade chronic inflammation.

Metabolic syndrome should be also considered in the clinical evaluation and management of PCOS. The treatment of PCOS and its complications should not be based solely on pharmacological therapies trying to improve hyperandrogenism, hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance.

Although mounting evidence recognizes the beneficial effects of lifestyle modifications, the clinical management of PCOS is not sufficiently focused on long-term maintenance of both exercise and dietary interventions and on further aspects of this syndrome (i.e. psychological status).

Taking into consideration the patients' young age and the devastating effects of PCOS on hormonal and metabolic pattern, this complex and multifaceted disease requires a comprehensive approach in order to achieve concrete beneficial effects for PCOS patients.

Multidisciplinary programs, including dietary and educational counseling, exercise training, stress management and psychosocial support, might represent the gold standard for adequate reduction of cardiovascular risk in young women with PCOS.

Learn how you can resolve PCOS naturally. Check out this review on the Natural Ovarian Cyst Relief Secrets.

Oral contraceptives for functional ovarian cysts

Functional ovarian cysts are a common gynecological problem among women of reproductive age worldwide. When large, persistent, or painful, these cysts may require operations, sometimes resulting in removal of the ovary. Since early oral contraceptives were associated with a reduced incidence of functional ovarian cysts, many clinicians inferred that birth control pills could be used to treat cysts as well. This became a common clinical practice in the early 1970s.

This Cochrane review examined all randomized controlled trials that studied oral contraceptives as therapy for functional ovarian cysts.

Seven randomized controlled trials from four countries were identified; the studies included a total of 500 women. Treatment with combined oral contraceptives did not hasten resolution of functional ovarian cysts in any trial. This held true for cysts that occurred spontaneously as well as those that developed after ovulation induction.

Most cysts resolved without treatment within a few cycles; persistent cysts tended to be pathological (e.g., endometrioma or para-ovarian cyst) and not physiological.

The review concluded that although widely used for treating functional ovarian cysts, combined oral contraceptives appear to be of no benefit. Watchful waiting for two or three cycles is appropriate. Should cysts persist, surgical management is often indicated.

To learn how to shrink ovarian cysts naturally, check out this review on the Natural Ovarian Cyst Relief Secrets system.